Saturday, April 25, 2015

2015: Future Trends and Predictions

Convergence is the word for 2015 --- Changes in technology are happening at a staggering pace and will cause disruption in industry after industry.  Last year I discussed advances in 3D printing from metal parts to food to organs, the adoption of virtual reality allowing people to connect and interact on the 2D web in a 3D shared virtual world, along with online supply chains giving buyers the ability to connect with suppliers to procure products and services faster and cheaper.

Now let’s fast forward into 2015 and beyond. You'll notice that these three trends from last year blend into my next predictions. Expect these technologies to continue to gain popularity as prices drop and technology improves.
Robotic 3D printing

I walked into my friend’s house the other day surprised to see this box shaped robot vacuuming their floors.  Within a few minutes it parked itself in a charging station.  Robots are invading our lives.

If you've had the opportunity to walk through an automotive facility or automated machine shop, robotic welders seem to outnumber humans.  It's called "lights out manufacturing”.  Now combo a robot with 3D printing capabilities and we're embarking on a whole new way to build things -- like 3D printed cars, houses, bridges and consumer products. Hear about it and watch it in action by clicking here.  And watch as a Chinese company 3D prints houses by clicking here.

Laser scanning

The term "point clouds" will become as popular as 3D printing.  We're seeing a huge trend in the AEC (architectural engineering construction) space, as these highly precise lasers capture billions of scanned points from "as built" buildings to help create 3D CAD models in half the time. These points can also be viewed in 3D color and even look like actual photographs so stakeholders can see what their building will look like, digitally, before it’s actually built.  Translation software takes those scanned points into 3D CAD products, allowing designers the ability to create intelligent 3D models, which people can virtually walk through and even 3D print.

Take it a step further and mix in a drone with a mini laser scanner hooked up to it to capture entire cities from the sky. Some 3D lasers can ever go under water to scan the ocean floor and objects, like Autodesk showed at their recent user Conference in Vegas. See it here by clicking here. This opens up a whole new world of opportunity and exploration in the oceanography world. There will be machines at retail locations and amusement parks where people can scan their entire body to create a 3D printed selfie! See an example by clicking here.

Which leads us to our next wave ... 

Augmented virtual reality

In my article last year on 2014 trends, I discussed virtual reality (VR) being all of the hype, and it has come to fruition.  Now, let’s combine VR with augmented reality where you will be able to marry digital content with the real world.  For example, take a facilities team at a construction firm who has to maintain equipment in that building (heating & ventilation, boilers, electrical and plumbing). These service teams, armed with a tablet, can now walk through the hallways of that real building to see every piece of equipment behind those walls, in real-time viewed in 3D intelligent CAD models.  Facility managers will be able to pinpoint where problems occur without having to tear down walls and guess.  Take that a step further to wastewater and underground equipment and the application is limitless.

Nanotechnology materials and products

Altering the chemical makeup of materials at the molecular level creates an entirely new species of products. Nanotechnology is altering the lifespan of products using plastics, paint and even ink. Products will have longer shelf life and greater resistance to human and environmental factors. There will also be the ability to print microprocessors that are paper thin, then embed them in electronic devices, print electronic connectors in magazines as illuminating advertisements, and even create devices in our bodies to combat diseases.

Product customization

My 13 year old son and I have contests online to see who can design the ugliest basketball shoes, where we customize everything down to the shoelaces.  I saw this wave coming as early as the Dell days when you were able to fill out a checklist of items (product configurators), and BOOM, you had your very own personalized workstation or laptop.

From shoes to phone cases, people love to make products their very own.  Combo that with 3D printing and the other topics discussed above and you'll understand how interconnected and interdependent these technologies will become.  See how Amazon creates this experience by clicking here.   I'm even envisioning a day when there will be 3D printed tattoos.  Just make sure you spell your spouse’s name correctly. 

All company brands and product names are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Ken Wilson is an advisor in the CAD-CAM Manufacturing and Construction industries with a strong understanding of the entire design to manufacturing workflow process.  Ken created CAD/CAM Connect ( an online network of trusted vendors -- connecting buyers to top suppliers helping companies solve problems and get products to market faster to win new business.  For more information, you can contact Ken by calling 1.(844) CADCAM1 or by email at

CAM Software Best Practices

The implementation of a CAM (computer-aided machining) system into your CNC machining workflow process can help you produce parts more efficiently, maintain and improve overall quality and help you win new business.
While “automation” is the idea behind CAM software, shops around the world still struggle to become profitable, efficient in their CNC machining process while trying to maintain a competitive edge.  Let’s take a closer look at the subject of CAM software and how the implementation of it can contribute to improving programming times and your overall business.

Choosing the Right CAM Software
The projected manufacturing demographics for CNC shops and CNC machine consumption for 2014 tell us that shops between 1-19 employees are expected to grow by more than 50% this year over 2013.  5 Axis CNC milling machine tool purchases are expected to see a staggering 276% increase, while horizontal machining centers follow at a 118% increase. These projections tell us that companies using CNC machines are growing and they’re going to need to automate their manufacturing processes.
Let’s face it a CNC department without a CAM programming software is like a product design department without CAD.  The two should be thought of as one cohesive unit.  And even though many manufacturers already have some form of CAD-CAM implemented, not one CAM software system offers everything to meet all of their job requirements.  That leads us to the overall workflow process …
CAD Files & Compatibility
So how does CAD/CAM software improve production workflow? First, we have to dissect each stage of the process.  It begins with how you acquire your part model.  Most manufacturing businesses start with a 3D model of a part either designed by you in CAD (computer-aided design) software, from a print (paper-PDF) or a digital CAD model provided by your client.   SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Inventor, PTC-Creo, and CATIA are examples of CAD programs you might get files from. Therefore it’s critical that a CAM system has the ability to import or open CAD design files.  

Why start from scratch.  CAD systems generally have their own native file types.  Among the most common are STL, STEP, IGES, DXF, DGN, SLDPRT and others.  Some CAM packages may already have some slimmed down CAD editing tools built in.  Others offer fully integrated plug-ins allowing them to operate within the NATIVE CAD software, therefore reducing geometry translation issues while streamlining the design to machining process.
CAM Job Management & Setting Up Your Stock
Once the part file is ready to move into the toolpath and programming stage, toolpath strategies can be used and a program can be created in its proper sequence allowing you to turn machining operations on and off, re-order operations, post process and basically manage everything about the job program right within the software interface.
So what would be the optimum order of production in this stage of the workflow process?
1.       Creation of the stock for your part so that a machine setup can be created
2.       Followed by your material and the tools being used since it impacts the speed and feed settings within CNC toolpath.  

3.       Workflow improvements also take place in the ability to easily access and setup your cutting conditions and tool patterns (multi-tool operations such as a counter bore or hole drilling with a center drill, drill and possibly a chamfer), tool crib and tool holder data.  This is important to create an error free NC program.
  4.     Next, you will need to access a tool library for all of your tools.  The tool library should include all tool data, material, diameter, angle, length, labels and more that you will be using for all machining strategies within the job tree manager.  All of this information makes the process of setting up a job faster if you have the ability to save set up details globally or separately from job to job.  Another effective feature for saving time is the ability to save and load machine features.  Many shops do a lot of the same types of jobs.  (If you already setup your CAM for one job, then you can use that setup for another similar job.   The idea here is “automation” so every opportunity to increase efficiency counts.) 

5.       Once you have set up the stock, tools, material and cutting conditions, next, you will want to set up the post processor for your job.  The post processor is the translator used in the process of converting the setup data and toolpath data and creating a numeric language (G-Code) then you will send to the machine tools controller to physically machine the part.  Think of it as a print driver for your printer. 

Important note: Most CAM systems offer generic post processors. Some offer the ability to customize a post processor to meet the requirements of the controller on the machine.  Check with the software provider for a library of post configuration files, particularly the one for your specific machine tool.  Workflow efficiency can be achieved by having the software provider assist you in the creation or modification of posts.  A correct post processor eliminates the need for you to have to hand edit code. Thus, allowing you to spend your time focusing on cutting parts.

Toolpath & Machining Strategies
The next stage in the process of using CAM software involves the creation of toolpath (cutter-path) which is the actual path that the cutting tool takes to machine the part.  A CAM Tree-Job Manager will help you keep each machining operation organized and properly sequenced so that the g-code program produces the best possible cycle time for the job. 2, 3, 4 & 5 axis toolpaths are all developed to produce efficient roughing and finishing cycles.

The machine setup should already be created in the Job Tree because you already setup your stock.  A Machining Wizard is a series of dialog boxes that step you through a process with a “Next” button until done where a “Finish” button would close the wizard and save everything you set for a toolpath machining strategy. When Wizards are used in the creation of toolpath two (2) things happen.
1.    New users create programs in a fraction of time over toolpath creation without using wizards
2.   Nothing is forgotten or left behind in making a toolpath that is accurate and properly calculated based off of the tools you setup for the job.
Toolpath Wizards start by allowing you to choose the areas of the part to apply a specified toolpath (planar, spiral, z-level etc) within a boundary or an entire part, set clearances and height of rapid moves for the tool.  Then you can choose the type of cutting pattern (zig-zag or single direction cutting), cutting direction (climb or conventional), roughing parameters, custom tolerance and cut-depth options, lead-in and out options, toolpath linking options (how you want to connect one path to another) and other custom machine options.
When finished, you will automatically generate the toolpath so you can visually inspect it. This takes place for each separate operation. If a change is needed you can simply go back into the operation and edit it. Then re-generate the toolpath. Once you have created toolpath for each operation, you are ready to move into the next phase of the process.
Improvements in workflow efficiency can also be accomplished by using high speed toolpaths. High Speed Machining  (HSM) is a revolutionary method of cutting where the traditional hard right and left turns in the cutting path are changed to produce more rounded or circular style cutting movements.
In some cases the high speed cut paths may be longer in overall length with this type of cutting path.  However, the benefits are less tool-material collision which proves to extend the life of cutting tools.  In addition, cutting speeds are typically increased (high-speed) which proves to reduce overall cycle times. High Speed toolpath was initially developed for 2 Axis machining (pocketing type operations).  
Other toolpath strategies include Advanced Roughing that allows the user to enter an Intermediate Step variable which tells the software to rough down to the bottom of a cavity and then come back up the outer walls stopping at each specified intermediate level and remove the material that tends to look like a large stair step on the walls of the part. This improves roughing quality and cuts down on the amount of material that the finishing tool has to remove, all in one operation.
Lastly, workflow efficiency can be achieved in what is called, “Toolpath Associativity.” Associativity is the ability to make a design change to a part and automatically update toolpath operations without having to re-create an entire job. This is highly advantageous when there are many operations within a single job. 

Simulation & The G-Code Program
The final stage in the CAD/CAM programming phase is typically the toolpath simulation and creation of an NC program file that can be sent to the machine tool. The simulation process allows the programmer to visually see the process and catch any errors within the program -- gouges or collisions.  Simulation also offers the ability to calculate cycle times as well as “machined part deviation” where you can visually inspect the part for areas that cutting tools did not fit in or cut during the machining process.    

Typically a number-color system is used to visually detect deviation areas, tools and machining operations. Advanced Machine Simulation allows you to use your machines Kinematics to simulate the actual machines motion as well as the toolpath operations.
The final stage is the generation of the NC file that is sent to the CNC machine. This is a critical stage of the process due to potential loss of valuable time due to hand editing g-code programs. Once a completed post processor is created, a CAM product should allow you to automatically create code that is clean and edit free. 
RS 232 and DNC communications is then used to send the completed program to the CNC machine tool which is used to cut the part from the specified material and with the specified tools that you input. 
Improving Efficiency & Beyond
These are the general stages of the CAD/CAM CNC programming process along with examples of how you can improve the efficiency of your programming workflow by using it.  While it is easy to say that CAD/CAM software should be simple to use, what is equally important is training.  Ask the vendor or reseller if the software comes with training? Are there training videos that allow you to learn on your own time? Are there local seminars or one-on-one web based training sessions available for you to learn on the fly and on your own time? The more options the better which includes the ability to achieve operator certification as a professional.
We hope you found this article useful in helping you either be more efficient with the CAM system you already own, or if you’re in the process of investigating one, to know what questions to ask and the benefits that come with owning one.  For more information email, or call 1-844-CADCAM1.
Thank you to BobCAD-CAM for their contributing content
About CAD/CAM Connect
With over 100 years combined experience in the CAD/CAM Manufacturing industry and literally thousands of contacts, CAD/CAM Connect hosts an online network of trusted hardware, software and service vendors -- connecting buyers to top suppliers via our sites.  

Products and services ranging from CAD and CAM software, CNC machines, 3D printers, CAD training, reverse engineering, rapid prototyping, FEA-CFD simulation software, translators, ERP, data management, 3D part catalogs, contract CAD help, job placement and more. and

Friday, April 24, 2015

Laser Scanning Helps Medical Developers

NVision Helps Advance Design of Medical Implants and Surgical Tool

(Coppell, TX; April 2015) Two major medical developers recently used NVision Inc.'s 3D non-contact laser scanning and engineering expertise to improve the design of their products. In both cases, NVision laser-scanned and quickly delivered to the manufacturers highly accurate 3D CAD models, which were used to redesign the products. 

In the field of breast augmentation surgery, mandrels are molds used to create implants of specific shapes and sizes. A developer of breast implants needed CAD files for a series of mandrels with highly complex curvatures. As the CAD files were not available, the company contacted NVision to scan and create 3D CAD files of the existing mandrels. "Without the CAD files for the mandrels, it would be impossible for the manufacturer to reproduce or redesign the original implants," says Steve Kersen, President of NVision.  

The manufacturer sent the existing mandrels to NVison. The mandrels consisted of about 10 different shapes and sizes. NVision engineers set to work digitizing the full geometry of each mandrel.  

For a project of this nature, involving multiple and complex curvatures, NVision used its own HandHeld 3D laser scanner, which is capable of capturing 60,000 separate measurements per second and is accurate to within +/- one-thousandth of an inch. “The HandHeld Scanner is also highly versatile and capable of obtaining the dimensions of objects of almost any size or shape - making it ideally suited for this type of application,” says Kersen.  

Using the HandHeld Scanner, it took NVision technicians about 30 minutes to scan each mandrel, followed by a couple of days to develop the related 3D CAD model. Creating CAD models of such highly complex curvatures provided the technicians with some unique challenges. For example, during scanning they needed to "fit together," or blend, surfaces of very different shapes and planar directions. "We had to balance the accuracy of the scan with the blending of completely different surface curvatures and geometries present in each mandrel," says Kersen. In just 10 days, however, NVision was able to deliver finished 3D CAD models of the mandrels to the manufacturer. 

In another medical application, a surgical equipment manufacturer asked NVision to provide a 3D CAD file of a multidebrider, a rotary cutting tool often used in ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeries. A multidebrider detaches (and then removes) unwanted tissue and foreign matter from the head and neck areas, including the sinuses and nasal passages. The device usually consists of a rotating tube configuration used to cut and remove material, which is mounted on a handpiece used by the physician to control the actions of the cutting tube. 

"The manufacturer wanted to develop a new positioning device for the tool," says Kersen. "It needed a 3D CAD file of the existing multidebrider in order to design the new positioning device, which would attach to the handpiece." 

The manufacturer spoke with several major companies in the industry and chose NVision for the job based on the company's successful 25-year history and the professionalism NVision conveyed during the initial meeting.   

NVision scanned the multidebrider in its entirety - from the tip of the cutting tube to the handpiece. NVision again used its HandHeld scanner, its technician capturing the geometry of the multidebrider in about one hour. 

"We provided the manufacturer with a 3D CAD file of its current multidebrider, which it can now use to develop a new positioning device," says Kersen. "Without this highly accurate template from which to work, the design of the positioning device would have been much more difficult and expensive. Fortunately, ENT patients will soon benefit from the new positioning device, through safer and more efficient multidebrider surgeries.” 

For more information, contact NVision, Inc., 440 Wrangler Dr, Suite 200, Coppell, TX 75019. Ph: 972.393.8000, Fax: 972.393.8002. E-mail: Visit NVision's Web site at 

About NVision

NVision, Inc. ( was established in 1990 with one goal in mind: to provide customers with the highest accuracy non-contact optical measurement systems and services for Reverse Engineering and Inspection. Focusing our expertise on the aerospace, power generation, and oil/gas industries, NVision provides both contract scanning services and systems sales to companies throughout North America. Its elite team of engineers provides customers with an unmatchable level of experience and is able to advise and assist with the most difficult engineering challenges. NVision's clients include industry leaders such as Alstom, Boeing, GE, Lockheed, Lear, NASA, Porsche, Raytheon, Siemens, Toyota, and every branch of the U.S. military.